Meet Abby Kelley Foster's Family at Liberty farm
May 19th was a beautiful day, and a large crowd helped to celebrate Alla Foster's 165th birthday at Liberty Farm, Abby Kelley and Stephen Foster's home on Mower Street. Lynne McKenney Lydick and her husband and daughter appeared as the Fosters, and several WWHP Board members wore 19th century costumes.
Park Ranger Chuck Arning set the stage with a fine talk about the Underground Railroad, and "Mum Bett," a female slave from Western Massachusetts, told how she won her freedom. The quilling project attracted many people, and there were also opportunities to write with a quill pen, stitch a quilt square and play with 19th century toys.
Thanks to the family of Judy Freedman Fask, the current owners of the farm, tours of the house were available and many took advantage of the opportunity.
The Liberty Farm festival was postponed twice because of bad weather. It was definitely worth waiting for!