Review of WWHP 18th Annual Meeting
A wonderful program was had at the 18th annual meeting of Worcester Women's History Project. Prior to the meeting, a reception was held for new members Elizabeth A. Bacon, Cynthia F. Carruthers, Pingsheng Chen, Elizabeth F. Fideler, Melody Friedenthal, Paula Korstvedt, Barabara A. LaPlant, Susan Yerdon Lewandowski, Edward Osowski, Judy Pelletier, and Ann Marie Shea.
The welcome was given by President Heather-Lyn Haley and actress Lynne McKenney Lydick, who performs as Abbey Kelley Foster in Yours For Humanity - Abby. The meeting proceeded to reports and the election of officers and Steering Committee members.
A Memorial Circle for charter member Angela Dorenkamp was held.
After the program presented by Karen Board Moran, she signed copies of her book Gates Along My Path.
Forty six people were present, with thirty one being members and fifteen guests.