Anh Vu Sawyer, Executive Director of Southeast Asia Coalition

Thursday, October 25, 2018, at 5:30 p.m.
Boys & Girls Club
65 Tainter Street, Worcester
Anh Vu Sawyer will be speaking after a short business meeting which will include a review of happenings over the past year, plans for the future, and election of new Officers, Steering Committee members and Nominating Committee.
Anh Vu Sawyerborn in Saigon, Vietnam. She is a speaker and writer (fiction, non-fiction and children’s stories). Her memoir, Song of Saigon, was published by Warner Books in February 2003. She has worked with refugees, immigrants and at-risk teens, offered a home-away-from-home to international students and continues to host International Fellowship gatherings in her home.
Anh continues doing humanitarian work, writing and motivational speaking with topics related to humanity, liberty and freedom. Since 2013 she has been the Executive Director of the Southeast Asian Coalition of Central Massachusetts (, in Worcester where she oversees programs assisting more than 12 different ethnic and language groups of immigrants and refugees. She has also received multiple awards for the work of SEAC, and is on the governor’s and attorney general’s advisory boards, among others.
- Light Refreshments served
- Free and Open to the Public