Liberty Farm Happenings
Dear Rick, Jeana, Al, Martha Jane, Maria, Heather-Lyn, Paul, Ellen, Molly, Katie, Becky, Mayuko and our Japanese Film Crew friends!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for helping with the Liberty Farm Clean Up day on April 20th.
Yard is big-
Fall is beautiful.. lots of leaves fall to the ground...
Winters are cold.. snow remains too long, ground hardens...
Spring finally has sprung... with new friends we clear the ground to make way for buds to open and greens to spring up!
I am happy to share Liberty Farm with the community and getting the grounds ready is always a challenge...
I appreciate your assistance so much!
You are all welcome back-
May 4th for mulching and planting flowers
May 11th for the Tour! You can meet "Abby Kelley Foster" (portrayed by Lynn McKenney Lydick), play games of the times, do some quilling, and simply enjoy the day!!
Many thanks,
Judy Freedman Fask
Liberty Farm
116 Mower St.
Worcester, MA 01602