Related Websites
- Text of the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments adopted at Seneca Falls and The Report of the Convention.
- Text of SOJOURNER TRUTH, THE LIBYAN SIBYL by Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Responses to the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 and the relevant portion of the law
- Several issues of Godey's Ladies Book for 1850 are available here. A second, and very well-designed, Godey's site is Hope Greenberg's at the University of Vermont.
- Autobiographical remarks by Lucretia Mott. See also portrait.
- An on-line exhibition on the history of medicine in the 19th century, including a section on women's health issues, at the University of Toledo: From Quackery to Bacteriology.
- A site at the University of Rochester devoted to the history of the women's suffrage movement in upstate New York.
- John Stuart Mill's 1869 The Subjection of Women. The original inspiration for Mill was his reading of the Proceedings of the 1850 Convention. His wife, Harriet Taylor, wrote an essay in the Westminster Review (1851), originally supposed to be by Mill, which in turn influenced the resolutions adopted at the 1851 Worcester Convention as noted by Wendell Phillips whose address is available at this site.
- Adin Ballou, et al., Standard of Practical Christianity (1839). Ballou, a Universalist minister, was the founding spirit of the utopian community of Hopedale, Massachusetts in 1841. Several Hopedale residents, including Mrs. Abby H. Price, who gave a major address, played important roles in the 1850 and 1851 Conventions.
- Mary Halnon has created a highly useful and well-organized archive of travellers' writings about women in the United States during the period 1820-1840 at the University of Virginia. Authors include Tocqueville, Frances Trollope, Harriet Martineau, and Charles Dickens.
- The 19th Century Women Writers Web contains a growing library of texts by women writers, including several that are otherwise very hard to locate, recommendations about other Web resources, information about publishers, and a host of other useful features including the texts of resolutions approved at early woman's rights conventions. It is updated frequently and so repays regular visits.
- The Library of Congress' American Memory Web Site includes information about

- Women's Studies Resources at the University of Maryland is an excellent place to stay in touch with what is happening in the field on the Web. This site is updated regularly.
- The Voice of the Shuttle: Gender Studies Page at the University
of California at Santa Barbara is another very useful site which
will repay regular visits.
- Still another valuable guide to resources on the WWW is Mary Marks' Celebration of Women Writers site.
- Anyone interested in investigating song lyrics as a source for popular ideas about gender, should consult THE DIGITAL TRADITION FOLK SONG DATABASE. It has a highly useful search engine and is very easy to use.
- The easiest way to track down the innumerable Biblical quotations that advocates and opponents of woman's rights used to support their arguments is via the searchable on-line King James Version at the University of Michigan. Its search engine permits the user to do proximity searches, an enormously helpful feature since many quotations are inexact and a simple search would yield nothing.
- Another on-line resource of great value in tracking down references is the 1901 version of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, a part of Columbia University's Bartleby Project.
- WWWomen describes itself, with some justice, as "the Premier Search Directory for Women Online!" Its History pages are an excellent way of locating on-line materials.

- Another highly useful resource, especially for teachers, is the Women in World History Curriculum site maintained by Lyn Reese. Here also you will find an excellent guide to on-line materials.
- There is a useful listing of archival resources for women's history, organized by state, at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
- The Duke University Special Collections Library has created an on-line archive of writings by African American women which includes some letters and other materials from slave women. Since woman's rights advocates often drew upon the analogy between the situation of the slave and that of women and since they were particularly concerned by the plight of slave women, this is an especially valuable resource.
- Susanne "Sam" Behling has created an interesting and colorful site devoted to Notable Women Ancestors. If you are looking for a fun way to spend some time, this is a rewarding site to surf.
- The Worcester Women's History Project,
Assumption College, The American Antquarian Society and the Alliance for
Education co-sponsored The Women's History Workshop at